An English Medium Co-Educational Sr. Sec. School, Affiliated to CBSE

Principle Desk

Hearty Greetings and Best Wishes for the new Academic session

“ Train the child the way he should go and even when he is old, he will not depart from it”

We are proud of our continuous goals of providing an excellent education for our students. Our aim is not just limited to imparting knowledge to our students but also stretches out to wisdom, compassion and humanitarian values. While academic excellence is our major thrust; the school is also devoted to prepare the students for life, groom them to face the challenges of tomorrow and encourage them to be socially relevant. We constantly endeavor to live up to this ideology and inculcate this into everything we do with the aim that we will be able to ensure that the children grow to their full potential, competent to bear responsibility in all walks of life. As a dynamic and progressive Educational institution, we provide co – operative and supportive environment to foster innovative as well as support teaching practices which are not only stimulating and conducive for learning but also ensure that our students grow up with deep rooted values. It is our belief that schooling should be an experience of a life time. CVM sets the stage for success in life and provides a life time of positive memories to its students. The staff of CVM is committed to provide a challenging and enriching environment and resources that empower all students with the skills that enables them to flourish as they grow. In our journey of pursuit for excellence we sincerely thank our parents for their unrelenting support in all our endeavors. I would also exhort the students to be modest, humble and disciplined while being ready to expand the horizons of their knowledge and by dreaming big and working hard to realise them
